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An advanced system to manage the commissions system, clinics, laboratory, radiology department and procedures system with easy screens that receive all procedures related to all specialties and the convenient filter based on specialty and follow-up procedures.

Clinics System Features:
- The clinics system is featured with the cumulative patient electronic file for all visits.
- It features a flexible preview screen for all medical specialties.
- The possibility of designing additional screens for the doctor when needed.
X-Ray System Features:
- The X-Ray system features an easy and flexible interface to handle all Radiology types.
- Ease of dealing with the X-Ray reports.
- The possibility of linking with X-Ray devices via PACs.

Medical Sessions System Features:
Commission System Main Features:
Laboratory System Features:
- The laboratory system is featured with a flexible screen from which all required tests are accessible.
- It supports tissue examinations with different antibiotic-related models.
- Ease of linking with laboratory equipment to post the results to/from the device directly to the medical system.
Procedures System Features:
- The procedure system is featured with an easy screen that receives all procedures related to all specialization and easy filtering as per specialization and follow-up procedure.
- The procedure patterns are easy to handle with Microsoft Word.