It is continual technical service offered to ONYX Pro customers. This service is provided by specialized engineers in programming and computer engineering in addition to experts in implementation of accounting and administrative ONYX Pro programs. The reasons for requesting technical support differ from country to another. However, the most important mutual reasons are as follows:
- Some customers like the participation of technical engineer in adapting some of programs functions with their special requirements.
- Limitedness of using system instructions by user.
- Errors appearing in the program for a reason related to using, program or external effect.
- Providing software updates or versions for customers.

Get technical support clients of Ultimate solutions of ONYX Pro & Motakamel Plus by customer service specialist engineers. To accomplish that:
3 Means Of Communication To Order Support:
- Request support via internet.
- Call Technical Support Dept.
- Send official letter asking for support.
3 Options For Providing Support:
- Via internet or phone.
- Online/ remote support.
- On–site support.
3 Steps For Providing Support:
- Receiving notification asking for support.
- Providing support in any suitable mean.
- Signing the form of solving problems by customers.
On site support:
On-site support service is provided from Ultimate Solutions for customer when he /she requests that. The engineer reviews systems performance and implements the direct required solutions. Then he gives his necessary recommendations for users. At the same time, he takes the customer’s recommendations and proposals. After that, he submits a report about his visit into customers.

Technical Support Service Fees: The service is completely for free during the first year. In the next years, invoices related to technical support service fees would be issued except for unsubscribed customers in renewing annual maintenance agreement.